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Do I have to have kids?


“Moms reach out to me all the time and share their stories and say that they just weren’t aware that they had the choice.”

Veronica grew up in a very traditional Hispanic home where the father worked and the mom… worked, too. This came on top of taking care of the household and children, “of course”.

Being overworked and last on the to-care-for list was not a model young Veronica fancied for her future. Yet, for a long time, she didn’t know she had a choice.

Now 47 and confidently childfree, Veronica knows all about the pressure and the prejudice society applies to people for whom having children is not a given but an option – one that is considered very consciously.

Together with her partner Rick, the Austin-based woman with a captivating smile founded “The Childfree Connection” – a global membership community for like-minded individuals.

In the episode, we discuss the many stereotypes about childfree people, why many parents feel offended by this topic, what Veronica calls the “But Trap”, and how Veronica thinks about her old age without kids.


In short, we talk about this in the episode:

  • How can you find out if you (don’t) want to have kids?
  • Is being childfree different for men vs. women?
  • Should “kids, yes or no” be a topic on your first date?
  • Why is this such a sensitive topic?


Resources mentioned in this episode:

  • Earth Overshoot Day – incorrectly addressed as “Earth Day” in the episode: The day of each year when humanity has used up the natural resources available in a year. The more people we become and the less sustainably we act, the earlier the date on which humanity passes this troublesome mark each passing year.
  • “Is childfree for me?” – program + private community offered by Veronica
Veronica | WHYLD Podcast Episode 41


photo courtesy of Veronica Prager

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